Alaska Ski Educational Foundation, Inc.
Edward Rasmuson Endowment Fund
Grant Application Process
We do not have a grant application form at this time. We ask grant applicants submit a grant request that includes the following information:
1.The amount of grant monies requested.
2.How your organization intend to spend the grant monies.
3.The amount of matching funds available.
4.A line-item budget showing a breakdown of how you intend to spend the funding, including matching funds.
5.How your group's project meets the objectives of the Alaska Ski Educational Foundation (ASEF) and the foundation’s Edward Rasmuson Endowment Fund.
The information provided below will help guide you as you prepare your grant request.
ASEF was founded in 1973. Among the objectives of the Foundation are the following: "to establish, administer and promote an education program devoted to the development and training of skiers as a means of healthful recreation and physical fitness; to stimulate in Alaska interest in skiing competition in schools, colleges and universities; to give encouragement, coaching and instruction to skiers."
The Edward Rasmuson Endowment Fund was funded in 1980 with an endowment from Edward R. Rasmuson. The fund was established "to encourage the education, training and instruction of young Alaskans in the techniques of ski competition with the ultimate goals of improving and developing their capabilities and instructing the public with respect to ski competition."
The terms and conditions of the endowment received from Mr. Rasmuson require the trustees to consider the following factors when reviewing grant applications:
1.Capital improvements having long-term benefit to youth ski competition are to be favored.
2.Proposals contemplating local matching donations are to be favored.
3.Proposals for the greatest good for Alaskan youth ski competition are to be favored.
Annual Solicitation of Grant Proposals
The ASEF Board of Trustees meets annually on the last Monday of April to review grant proposals for projects and programs which will further the objectives of the Foundation.
Prodedure for Submitting a Grant Proposal
If you wish to submit a grant proposal, please email your submission to:
Elaine McCambridge
Treasurer, Alaska Ski Educational Foundation
Due Date for Grant Proposals
To be considered by the Board of Trustees at the annual meeting in April, grant proposals should be submitted no later that April 15th.